Blog of Coronel for another POLITICO of Venezuela – Prognostics for 2016…!


Blog of Coronel for another POLITICO of Venezuela – Prognostics for 2016…!

George Frederick Thomson dijo…


    Perdón, pero qué tiene que ver Mateo 12:25 con la vida y la realidad?

    Mi casa no es perfecta, y divisiones son pequeñas en comparación con lo que nos une!

    Milagro de las elecciones? Vaya, que el PSUV no hizo fraude, pedazos de locos.

    Qué va a pasar en el 2016? Obvio…! Lo que decida el PSUV, o una guerra civil, o una DICTADURA de Golpe Militar de alguien…!

    Es diferente a saber o no saber que hiba a pasar en el año 1999. Los prognosticos eran para algunos negativos y así fué! Pero no para todos! Pero si a la gran mayoría de vida mas que de pobres o enchufados en el Gobierno!

    Alguien puede predecir que va pasar en el 2016?



Translate google:


Sorry, but what Matthew 12:25 has to do with life and reality?

My house is not perfect , and divisions are small in comparison to what unites us !

Miracle of the elections? Well, the PSUV did fraud, crazy pieces .

What will happen in 2016? Obvious…! The decision of the PSUV , or civil war , dictatorship or military coup someone … !

It is different from knowing or not knowing what was going to happen in 1999. The prognoses were for some negative and thus it ! But not for everyone! But if the vast majority of life rather than poor or plugged in government !

Anyone can predict what will happen in 2016?

For if it is better than before, that if it will be a miracle … ! But there has been no real MIRACLE TO DATE ! … Gross !



15 New Cars To Avoid Jim Gorzelany –…!!!

15 New Cars To Avoid 

Jim Gorzelany

…so to all you crap out there…! i buy the car and make i want…!
…CVT is not your best choice transmission, and you can use synthetic oils that they do not want you to use…!!!

…you see, you are the one that has to go broke, not the mechanics…!!!


BIRDS OF PARADISE: World Marvels more than EXOTIC…! I would say EXCESSIVELY exuberant, THOUGH still Exotic and Aesthetic…! – How could they self make themselves…???

BIRDS OF PARADISE: World Marvels more than EXOTIC…! I would say EXCESSIVELY exuberant, THOUGH still Exotic and Aesthetic…! – How could they self make themselves…???


The birds-of-paradise are members of the family Paradisaeidae of the order Passeriformes. The majority of species are found in eastern Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and eastern Australia. The family has 41 species in 14 genera.[1] The members of this family are perhaps best known for the plumage of the males of the sexually dimorphic species (the majority), in particular the highly elongated and elaborate feathers extending from the beak, wings, tail or head. For the most part they are confined to dense rainforest habitat. The diet of all species is dominated by fruit and to a lesser extent arthropods. The birds-of-paradise have a variety of breeding systems, ranging from monogamy to lek-type polygamy.

A number of species are threatened by hunting and habitat loss.


BIRDS OF PARADISE: World Marvels more than EXOTIC…! I would say EXCESSIVELY exuberant, THOUGH still Exotic and Aesthetic…! – How could they self make themselves…???

…really no ancient Dinosaur look to them, but quite a modern shaping…!

…NOW FISH AND BEINGS FROM THE DEEP OCEANS have an eerie(strange and frightening) look to them and Ancient…! 

AN EVOLUTION DECLARATION AND CONTRADICTION(OR CONFESSION) – Arrival of the Fittest: Solving Evolution’s Greatest Puzzle – Kindle Edition…!

Really more of a confession than a “contradiction”…!
Alleged biological evolution of eyesight…!


Arrival of the Fittest: Solving Evolution’s Greatest Puzzle Kindle Edition
by Andreas Wagner (Author)

The Magic of Reality: How We Know What’s Really True Paperback – Sep 11 2012
by Richard Dawkins

Evolution of the eye


“Natural selection can preserve innovations, but it cannot create them. Nature’s many innovations—some uncannily perfect—call for natural principles that accelerate life’s ability to innovate.”

Darwin’s theory of natural selection explains how useful adaptations are preserved over time. But the biggest mystery about evolution eluded him. As genetics pioneer Hugo de Vries put it, “natural selection may explain the survival of the fittest, but it cannot explain the arrival of the fittest.”

Can random mutations over a mere 3.8 billion years really be responsible for wings, eyeballs, knees, camouflage, lactose digestion, photosynthesis, and the rest of nature’s creative marvels? And if the answer is no, what is the mechanism that explains evolution’s speed and efficiency?

In Arrival of the Fittest, renowned evolutionary biologist Andreas Wagner draws on over fifteen years of research to present the missing piece in Darwin’s theory. Using experimental and computational technologies that were heretofore unimagined, he has found that adaptations are not just driven by chance, but by a set of laws that allow nature to discover new molecules and mechanisms in a fraction of the time that random variation would take.

Consider the Arctic cod, a fish that lives and thrives within six degrees of the North Pole, in waters that regularly fall below 0 degrees. At that temperature, the internal fluids of most organisms turn into ice crystals. And yet, the arctic cod survives by producing proteins that lower the freezing temperature of its body fluids, much like antifreeze does for a car’s engine coolant. The invention of those proteins is an archetypal example of nature’s enormous powers of creativity.

Meticulously researched, carefully argued, evocatively written, and full of fascinating examples from the animal kingdom, Arrival of the Fittest offers up the final puzzle piece in the mystery of life’s rich diversity.




The evolution of the eye has been a subject of significant study, as a distinctive example of an analogous organ present in a wide variety of taxa. Complex, image-forming eyes have evolved independently some 50 to 100 times.[1]

Complex eyes appear to have first evolved within a few million years, in the rapid burst of evolution known as the Cambrian explosion. There is no evidence of eyes before the Cambrian, but a wide range of diversity is evident in the Middle Cambrian Burgess shale, and the slightly older Emu Bay Shale.[2] Eyes show a wide range of adaptations to meet the requirements of the organisms which bear them. Eyes vary in their visual acuity, the range of wavelengths they can detect, their sensitivity in low light levels, their ability to detect motion or resolve objects, and whether they can discriminate colours.


…Though Evolutionists claim there are in Nature all or most of steps for the developing of eyes and “eyesight”…! The Mind/Brain has to process all information from the Human Eye…!

…Andreas Wagner, is more “honest with others and herself”, and clearly declares that “Natural selection can preserve innovations, but it cannot create them”.
THOUGH I DOUBT THAT other Evolutionists accept this, as others declare that EYES evolved from mere “light detecting simple structures” to more complex ones…! THIS IS A BIT CONTRADICTORY with ANDREAS WAGNER…!

SO FOLKS, EVOLUTIONISTS REALLY ARE A PACK OF MERE STORY TELLERS, of a reality they do not really see nor understand…!

That is what RICHARD DAWKINS fails when he declares Evolution Science and him know the reality that surrounds them…!

WHAT WE DO NOT KNOW, does not permit us in logic to merely to jump to conclusions to the OPPOSITE, if the opposite is more than one possibility, making it an other possibility, even beyond our minds…!
But never, never, the Bible or Jehovah or Jesus…!

Richard Dawkins and Andreas Wagner and Evolution Science, are merely big nice “words”, mostly beyond reality…!

I WILL TELL YOU ONE CLEAR PROBLEM and better LOGIC and pure logic(prove your logic):

…When they make a cell and life in the Laboratory, and then a multicellular being with its first simple light detector, that they can make develop into a human eye, by itself, we then can believe Science…!

RICHARD DAWKINS has merely fame as Jesus or Santa do! Believe me, his best logic, is if you cannot explain the existence of a God (one/uno), then the obvious is only one possibility, the easy solution of ATHEISM and Evolution…!
This simplistic logic has made him so famous as Science Evolution…!
THIS WORLD IS RUN BY IGNORANCE AND “BIG STORY TELLERS”…! As if we are all little children…!


JUEGO TRANCADO "Legalmente" – GAME BLOCKED "Legally" – Venezuela Asamblea Nacional/National Asembly Venezuela

JUEGO TRANCADO “Legalmente” – GAME BLOCKED “Legally” – Venezuela Asamblea Nacional/National Asembly Venezuela


nacionales, política
Pablo Aure: Nueva Asamblea puede decretar la falta absoluta de Maduro
Así lo dijo en nota de prensa en la que aseguró que la revisión de la memoria y cuenta presidencial o si el Presidente no se presenta a la AN podrán ser razones para decretar la falta absoluta del Primer Mandatario Nacional y llamar a nuevas eleccions.

“La Constitución establece en el artículo 237 que dentro de los diez primeros días siguientes a la instalación de la AN, el Presidente de la República presentará cada año personalmente a la Asamblea un mensaje en que dará cuenta de los aspectos políticos, económicos, sociales y administrativos de su gestión durante el año inmediatamente anterior”.

“Ese será”, recordó Aure, “el primer encuentro del presidente Nicolás Maduro con los 112 nuevos diputados, quienes tendrán la obligación de analizar la memoria y cuenta que presente el jefe de estado y hacer las correspondientes observaciones, inclusive, acudir a los órganos correspondientes en caso de detectar irregularidades administrativas o ilícitos penales. Pero también del analisis del informe presidencial, los diputados pudieran determinar que el presidente Maduro no cumplió en ese año inmediatamente anterior con las funciones propias que le asigna la Constitución al presidente, y emergería la posibilidad -de acuerdo a Aure- de declarar el abandono del cargo por no cumplir las obligaciones de su investidura. Esto está suficientemente desarrollado en la doctrina constitucional”.

Otra posibilidad, menciona Aure, es el supuesto de que el Presidente no se presente a la AN en el lapso que señala el artículo 237 constitucional, es decir, antes del 15 de enero. Esa negativa también pudiera ser considerada como abandono de su cargo y en tal sentido, si así lo declara la mayoría de los diputados de la Asamblea Nacional significaría que hay falta absoluta y por lo tanto será menester convocar elecciones para elegir al nuevo Presidente de la República para culminar el resto del periodo”.

Para finalizar, el experto en leyes hizo el siguiente señalamiento: “tenemos que hacer la observación de que en el supuesto del abandono del cargo no será necesaria la consulta o aprobación del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia, pues, el TSJ solo interviene para enjuiciar al presidente y decretar su destitución mediante sentencia o, cuando se pretenda declarar la falta absoluta del presidente por incapacidad fisica o mental, que unicamente puede ser declarada por una junta medica previamente nombrada por el TSJ; tal como lo establece el artículo 233 de la Constitución”.


Translation by google:


Pablo Aure: New Assembly can order the complete lack of Maduro
So he said in a press release in which it said that the revision of memory and presidential bill or if the President is not presented to the NA may be reasons to declare the absence of the First National President and call new eleccions.

“The Constitution provides in Article 237 that within the installation of the AN first ten days, the President shall present personally to the Assembly a message by which will render account of the political, economic, social aspects and administrative management during the preceding year. “

“That will be” Aure, “the first meeting of President Nicolas Maduro with 112 new deputies, who will be required to analyze memory and has recalled that the head of state present and make appropriate observations, including, go to the organs corresponding to the detection of irregularities administrative or criminal offenses. But also the analysis of the Union address, the deputies might establish the President Maduro did not meet in the previous year with the functions assigned by the Constitution to the President, and emerge the possibility -of according to Aureliano to declare the abandonment of responsible for not fulfilling the obligations of his inauguration. This is sufficiently developed in the constitutional doctrine “.

Another possibility, mentioned Aure, is the assumption that the President is not presented to the NA in the period specified in Article 237 of the Constitution, that is, before 15 January. That refusal could also be considered abandoned his post and as such, if they declare most of the deputies of the National Assembly would mean that there is absolute lack and therefore it will be necessary to hold elections to elect the new President of the Republic to complete the remainder of the period. “

Finally, the legal expert made the following remark: “We have to make the observation that in the case of dereliction of duty consultation or approval of the Supreme Court is not required, therefore, the Supreme Court only intervenes to impeach President and declare his dismissal by judgment or, when it is intended to declare the absence of the president by physical or mental disability, which can only be declared by a medical board previously appointed by the Supreme Court; as established by Article 233 of the Constitution. “


…SO WE ASK: there are only no “legal” moves for “Maduro” and the delay of no Installment of the National Assembly is a far fetched occurrence…!

…What power would the A.N. of Venezuela with the Opposition manage to get to Presidential level, is still really a “dream”…!


TRACKING SANTA with Google Tracker 2015: …what a jolly good fellow is Santa…! …and I mean it…!

TRACKING SANTA with Google Tracker 2015: …what a jolly good fellow is Santa…! …and I mean it…!



…Santa Claus or “Papa” Noel, surely mean more better positive things than Christ_mas or Jesus…!

[1] “He brings” presents to every “house” in the World and “their children”…!

[2] “He flies” every where in his Sleigh and Reindeer’s…!

[3] “He never” lands on anybody’s head or on water or on a tree…!

[4] “He is loved” by all children and everybody, with his big white beard and beautiful smile and laugh…!
Who would think of doing something bad or wrong or even crucify Santa…? I am sure not even if they could…!

[5] “He doesn’t” do anything else for anybody nor this World…!



News Clips for this December: "Queen Elizabeth II, Christy Clark, Cuban refugees, Venezuela news on their Supreme Court!"


Shared publicly  –  11:22 AM

Christmas Broadcast 2014


Shared publicly  –  11:20 AM

The Queen’s Gold Medal for Poetry 2015


Shared publicly  –  11:09 AM

Shared publicly  –  11:03 AM

Cuba and Venezuela, dollar limits and immobilization of populations as cattle…! that do not want their governments repressive form of life…!

El Gobierno de Costa Rica informó este martes de que la reunión técnica del Sistema de Integración Centroamericana (SICA) realizada en México para abordar una solución a la crisis de la migración cubana por la región finalizó sin llegar a una solución.

More on Venezuela 3: Maduro juega al caos inconstitucional tras derrota electoral – Maduro plays to the Unconstitutional chaos after the electoral loss…!


diciembre 21, 2015 6:57 PM

More on Venezuela 3: Maduro juega al caos inconstitucional tras derrota electoral – Maduro plays to the unconstitutional chaos after the electoral loss…!

Read more here:


Antonio Maria Delgado

Debilitado por el resultado electoral, el régimen de Nicolás Maduro redobla sus esfuerzos por desmantelar las instituciones democráticas de Venezuela, creando inconstitucionalmente un Congreso paralelo que suplantaría a la nueva Asamblea Nacional y esforzándose por mantener al Tribunal Supremo de Justicia reducido a una camarilla de incondicionales.

Los pasos adoptados por el régimen de Maduro –que buscan incapacitar a la recién electa Asamblea Nacional– son vistos por analistas como la versión chavista de un autogolpe, con rasgos similares al ejecutado en Perú en 1992, cuando el entonces presidente Alberto Fujimori disolvió al Congreso.

“El objetivo es ése, minar a la nueva Asamblea Nacional, quitarle inclusive el espacio físico, tratar por todas las vías de que no funcione y eso es en realidad un golpe de Estado”, dijo el abogado constitucionalista Allan Brewer-Carias.

“Un golpe de Estado no es solo cuando se tumba a un presidente, sino cuando se tumba a la Constitución. Y eso es lo que pretenden hacer”, advirtió.

También es un golpe a la voluntad popular, que en las elecciones parlamentarias del 6 de diciembre votó de manera mayoritaria a favor de un cambio, señaló el ex embajador de Venezuela ante las Naciones Unidas, Diego Arria.

Con ello el régimen no solo está desconociendo el voto opositor, sino también el voto de todos los venezolanos que participaron en los comicios, manifestó.

“Al montar un organismo paralelo, están negándole a casi el 70 por ciento de los venezolanos la voluntad manifestada en las urnas”, dijo el diplomático desde Nueva York.

El saliente presidente de la Asamblea Nacional, Diosdado Cabello, dejó al descubierto las pretensiones del régimen de desmantelar la institución que él actualmente encabeza, al instalar lo que bautizó como el Parlamento Comunal Nacional, cediéndole parte de las instalaciones del Poder Legislativo para que realice sus funciones.

Read more here:


…madre plátano y que mamón (morocho), y vaya esa “manga/inj(g)erta” gigantezca de Colombia…!

…una guará…!

…como dijo o dice el dicho, “maldecido” y “maldicho”: ahora si que se monto la gata a la batea, y el morrocoy se subió al palo…!

…púquiti…! sárate…!


The Venezuelan Garden Of Possible Bifurcation Paths Into The Future –

The Venezuelan Garden Of Possible Bifurcation Paths Into The Future

December 20, 2015


I start with a quote:

“The evil that one endures patiently because it seems inevitable becomes unbearable the moment its elimination becomes conceivable”

Alexis de Tocqueville

and the title of a book by Jorge Luis Borges: “The garden of bifurcation paths” from which I simply borrow the analogy of what the title conveys.

Predicting what will happen in 2016 in Venezuela is a guessing game that requires understanding  all of the possible varieties of bifurcations that are possible in the decision making process of both what the Government will do and what the opposition will do. And guessing at all of the possible variations and possibilities is simply an impossible guessing game.


the future of Venezuela after the 5th of December?

can be as is… but how to stop worse confrontations between the parties?


hopes keep on going, and so does the military…!


Venezuela 3: Is Venezuela of Maduro and Diosdado Cabello a NarcoState? Well even the Vatican has strange sources of "CASH" and "Money Laundering"!


Is Venezuela of Maduro and Diosdado Cabello a NarcoState?
Well even the Vatican has strange sources of “CASH” and “Money Laundering”!


Las autoridades estadounidenses arrestaron el viernes en Houston al magnate venezolano Roberto Rincón —empresario vinculado a la estatal Petróleos de Venezuela y al ex director de inteligencia Militar Hugo Carvajal— por cargos vinculados con el lavado de dinero, dijeron fuentes cercanas a la operación.


…Roberto Rincon arrested, and in the USA! Will his fortunes pay? They sure would in Venezuela!

…So these know it all, do not have all police insider INFO!.






Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Blog of Coronel for another POLITICO of Venezuela – Prognostics for 2016…!


Blog of Coronel for another POLITICO of Venezuela – Prognostics for 2016…!

George Frederick Thomson dijo…


    Perdón, pero qué tiene que ver Mateo 12:25 con la vida y la realidad?

    Mi casa no es perfecta, y divisiones son pequeñas en comparación con lo que nos une!

    Milagro de las elecciones? Vaya, que el PSUV no hizo fraude, pedazos de locos.

    Qué va a pasar en el 2016? Obvio…! Lo que decida el PSUV, o una guerra civil, o una DICTADURA de Golpe Militar de alguien…!

    Es diferente a saber o no saber que hiba a pasar en el año 1999. Los prognosticos eran para algunos negativos y así fué! Pero no para todos! Pero si a la gran mayoría de vida mas que de pobres o enchufados en el Gobierno!

    Alguien puede predecir que va pasar en el 2016?



Translate google:


Sorry, but what Matthew 12:25 has to do with life and reality?

My house is not perfect , and divisions are small in comparison to what unites us !

Miracle of the elections? Well, the PSUV did fraud, crazy pieces .

What will happen in 2016? Obvious…! The decision of the PSUV , or civil war , dictatorship or military coup someone … !

It is different from knowing or not knowing what was going to happen in 1999. The prognoses were for some negative and thus it ! But not for everyone! But if the vast majority of life rather than poor or plugged in government !

Anyone can predict what will happen in 2016?

For if it is better than before, that if it will be a miracle … ! But there has been no real MIRACLE TO DATE ! … Gross !




