‘If you fight fire with fire, everyone burns’: how to catch a troll like Trump Trolling experts offer tactics for dealing with ‘the world’s most effective button-pusher’, like meeting tantrums with facts…!

‘If you fight fire with fire, everyone burns’: how to catch a troll like Trump

Trolling experts offer tactics for dealing with ‘the world’s most effective button-pusher’, like meeting tantrums with facts


On a crowded field, a new troll has established himself as the undisputed master of the art. To most people he’s repugnant, but to his peers he’s a formidable exemplar of a set of skills that have come to flourish in the era of online bile, useful only to those whose primary aim is destructive and reductive. He knows exactly the kind of incendiary comment that will bait his prey. And when the inevitable reaction comes, he basks in the reflected glory of his acolytes piling on, and turning a conversation into a battlefield. In so doing, he kills off any hope of a reasoned discussion, ensuring that name-calling, provocation and blatant hate take its place. This might not be good for the standards of public discourse, but it’s good for his ego – and it distracts from his ignorance.

Expert though he is, the new king differs from his predecessors in important ways. Usually trolls operate below the line; this one stands at a podium. Usually their ambitions are petty, but this one wants to be president of the United States. Usually trolls are anonymous, but everyone knows this one’s name. It’s Donald Trump.



Donald Trump’s candidacy may be unprecedented, but he is unlikely to be the last candidate to employ a troll’s tactics in the pursuit of power. If there is one thing the experts in online communities agree on, it’s that trolling is a persistent problem with no simple solution. Like crime, terrorism or pandemic diseases, once introduced into a community, trolls will always return. “Politics doesn’t have the antibodies we’ve developed online to deal with trolls,” says Powazek. Perhaps a resounding Trump defeat in November can inoculate us against a bigger surge of troll candidates in the future, but many worry it will be too late.


…the of the few big proven problems of Troll’s like Trump, is that you have to determine how unpredictable they are!

…the more they cannot “trust” Trump, the more problematic he could become! And to give this type of things of unpredictability a try, has never happened ever in the USA!

…And when nothing has happened before in Politics and Government and it is not of a good nature, why even give it a try?


I AM GOING TO DO A PROGNOSTICS Based on some facts, or supposed facts, about Trump and that he will be the GOP candidate until November 8th. Getting into the mind of Republicans and the GOP.


I AM GOING TO DO A PROGNOSTICS Based on some facts, or supposed facts, about Trump and that he will be the GOP candidate until November 8th.

Getting into the mind of Republicans and the GOP.


[1] It’s time to accept that Donald Trump is never going to learn basic stuff about the world

Updated by Zack Beauchamp on August 16, 2016, 8:50 a.m. ET @zackbeauchamp zack@vox.com

[2] Opinion US election: Donald Trump has 3 weeks to change or GOP must act

Wall St Journal
The Wall Street Journal
5:27PM August 16, 2016

[3] Politics Aug 16 2016, 6:15 am ET Will Donald Trump’s Latest ‘Reset’ Stick? Here Are 7 Times It Didn’t
by Alex Seitz-Wald

[4] No Time For Trump: Transforming Our Corporate Supreme Court
08/16/2016 07:17 am ET | Updated 4 hours ago

Politics | Tue Jul 19, 2016 3:49pm EDT
Supreme Court nominee out in cold as election heats up



…The GOP needed somebody with “Money” and “fame” no matter what, as the Clinton’s also are billionaires and have big money backing them!

…But soon some big money has left Trump, like the Hock brothers, Bloomberg, Blue Chip California, etc.

…The GOP does not have a Candidate to take over and build up support in 3 months or much less in 6 weeks when some voting already starts!

…The GOP is playing on a slow come back reversal, by Trump changing his speeches affirmations! Like we are leaving NATO, and now we are not leaving NATO.
And many more issues Trump is trying to reverse with no positive results.

…So of I am not wrong, the GOP is going on with Trump, like it or not! And they are still playing on a big elections mishap. Trump winning by any trick of the “Tricksters” and Trump a top trickster!
Electoral Fraud? Not really! A Supreme Court appointment! Why? The Republicans need to win, want to win! And they are planning on dealing with Trump after no matter what!

WHAT? Yep! The establishment Government USA might not want secretly a woman! CAN anybody believe this? I am sorry! But even Queen Elizabeth II power and governance might not change this view of machismo power!
The Supreme Court is 4 to 4 Democrats vs. Republicans and the new Democrat nominee won’t be appointed!

I simply do not believe that the GOP nor the Republicans can stop TRUMP after he is signed in as President! Even trying to deal with him! That is the danger! And are they going to make a big show eliminating him somehow?
I do not know! The danger is they might not be able to eliminate him in time!!! The commander in chief can change all Military, Air force and Navy Generals. And take full control never seen before in the Democratic USA!
WHY? Because he once answered he would not have any troubles with Congress!

I would not trust such a dangerous “monkey bird brain” that TRUMP is…!

SO LETS BET ON IT! I might be wrong!
If the current polls continue Trump is done!

This post is being made a side column extra!





…i agree Trump proves something is wrong with Republicans and/or the GOP to have this wacko where his mother did not ask him to be!


 ‪#‎MakeAmericaGreatAgain‬ ‪#‎TrumpPence16‬! ‪#‎TrumpIsWithYou‬ ‪#‎RNCinCLE‬ #anagrammatt #abiteinthechunk #GeorgeFrederickThomson #GeorgeFrederickThomsonBroadhead


…added on: god save us all from Trump…!

…AND SADLY BUT TRUE! IF this is what the USA finally produced from their Society, Capitalism, Religion and Politics, and they are giving a way to this JUNK-NUT, then they will surely succumb to their own DIRT…!!!


USA Backup Government for the Permanence and Perpetuation of the Democratic Free Republic Empire as is this year 2016! A proposal…!

1st. President – George Washington – U.S.A.
42nd President – Bill Clinton – U.S.A.

43rd President – George W. Bush – U.S.A.

USA Backup Government for the Permanence and Perpetuation of the Democratic Free Republic Empire as is this year 2016! A proposal…!



[1] All Armed Forces or a few only!?

[2] Is it easier to only make one AIR CRAFT CARRIER with all Elements including accompanying Destroyers and Supply Ships?
One nuclear submarine. One Nuclear Missile Bunker. One Foreign Air Force base. As the backup Government to USA?

[3] This backup Government only is accessed by the permitted establishment, and only self authority guidance to defend the US Constitution with Amendments and The Republic as is and known.

[4] No new President as on trial has any access to the backup Government of the USA.

[5] Does the backup Government have to be secret, or can it be secret?

[6] The backup Government as these Armed Forces, do not entail in any War, and are only used on practice and Intelligence Service.

[7] The backup Government does not necessarily obey any other Government Structure of the Republic, including the Rest of the Armed Forces, C.I.A., F.B.I.! And only via envoys with Congress or the Supreme Court.

[8] The backup Government Personnel are really a separate bubble, that even has little access to normal civilian life in cities, other than when on leave.

[9] All other functionality is of the BLUE GENE Computer establishment intelligence to determine.

[10] The main prerogatives are to never cause a World War, and is limited only to any attack to the USA, in the determined cases.

[11] The USA backup Government for its perpetual permanence, communicates with the establishment of the USA via envoys, and only in emergency via any other means.
The USA backup Government does not depend on “the people’s” Democracy, nor on any State Governor in office. And is the maximum intelligence of the USA.

[12] The USA backup Government never will go “rouge”, nor would need to. This is perpetuated by the establishment of USA Ex-Presidents and the USA Constitution with amendments

[13] No President in office can have any power over the Backup Government of the USA.

[14] Once President, you belong by forceful obligation after office, to the Eternal Republic and Empire of the free USA.

[15] During Presidency, the President is an object of supervision and control by the Backup Government of the USA. Exposed to secret judgment, whatever it may be, if deemed be the case by the Backup Government of the USA.

[16] The Republic of the USA and its backup government rule and preside over all other powers if these violate the USA Constitution or other rules and laws, and are run by the establishment.
The democratic “people” cannot modify this, and only receive its benefits as known as of this 21st Century year 2016.










The unbearable stench of Trump’s B.S.




By Fareed Zakaria Opinion writer August 4

A few days ago, I was asked on CNN to make sense of one more case in which Donald Trump had said something demonstrably false and then explained it away with a caustic tweet and an indignant interview. I replied that there was a pattern here and a term for a person who did this kind of thing: a “bullshit artist.” I got cheers and boos for the comment from partisans on both sides, but I was not using that label casually. Trump is many things, some of them dark and dangerous, but at his core, he is a B.S. artist.



Harry Frankfurt concludes that liars and truth-tellers are both acutely aware of facts and truths. They are just choosing to play on opposite sides of the same game to serve their own ends. The B.S. artist, however, has lost all connection with reality. He pays no attention to the truth. “By virtue of this,” Frankfurt writes, “bullshit is a greater enemy of truth than lies are.”

We see the consequences. As the crazy talk continues, standard rules of fact, truth and reality have disappeared in this campaign. Donald Trump has piled such vast quantities of his trademark product into the political arena that the stench is now overwhelming and unbearable.


…B.S. is bullshit, and folks bullshit stinks, and especially on a pretty face that wants you to like his looks and yellow hair…!

…If Trump colored his hair reddish-orange they would have compassion of him as gay!
…If Trump colored his hair black they would joke of the nice brunette…!

So what is he? A blonde B.S. bullshit pretty face! So lets dirty that face folks, with plenty of dirt!

Somehow I am starting to suspect, if he has a self like and self respect problem…!!!??? These generally are the hidden demons of a guy that is bullshit! He is trying to convince himself he is ok and convince others!
But his B.S. is eating at him, in the inner most of his being, and it has already “jumped out at us”! Check all the TV video clips! Big show and no substance means this guy is really empty!
I bet you all the I.Q. of this guy is deplorable! Though he is a trick/scam artist…!!!
I bet you he believes he is better than most! But not because of any good substance, but because he can “fleece” and gets away with dirt and shit! And makes money rather easy!
USA, this guy qualifies, more than a Villain of your Super-Heroes, as the Big Bad Wolf with a huge mask on it, and USA as the easy Red “Robin” Riding Hood! 

And folks when you take the mask of this guy, he will “crumble”…!!! Crumble somehow!!! Others retreat in defeat, this guy won’t bear it! I hope he suicides! But even that might be too nice a ending!
I mean to boast such success, at so much B.S. and not real hard work, IS SICKENING REAL BAD!
A easy death with no suffering, would be too nice, for so much B.S. bullshit and sanitary psycho! He has had it all since birth!!!

Hillary a mental problem? We are hitting another note, about Chavez Venezuela and the Psychiatrist used, displayed on TV…! And this guy has been regenerated and born again, Cristo!
Now Trump is hitting this same note? The USA board of Psychiatry has said not to analyze him!
Jesus he talks, fucks, has kids, runs things and companies, and big “mega” amounts of money! What could be wrong?

Christ/Cristo the B.S. of a charlatan/babbler with no real content!!! Imaginary day dreamer!!! Something he did not even try and hide of himself!!! Big mistake! Too late piece of junk and dirt!
Well this guy sells mostly with lies, as Stocks depend on you believing, and now he is trying to buy Americans with lies, which is very easy in a lying World, but harder in USA, as it is not a banana Republic!

USA and AMERICA, keep on believing, that you can see right in your dirty faces, the personification of a “regenerated-born again” con artist, that at 70 years of age, is going to behave himself, to “REDEEM” himself!

And everybody the usual hand signs for bullshit…! Your left hand index and thumb in a circle for “asshole”, and your right hand index in and out of the hole for “DICK HEAD” and “GO AND FUCK YOURSELF”…! SAYING BULLSHIT…!

B.S. is bullshit bum-shit…! Kind of rhymes with Trump! Donald you jerk!


A SUNDAY Politico Olimpico…! Trump still hanging the GOP Republicans!


A SUNDAY Politico Olympico…! Trump still hanging the GOP Republicans! 

The GOP leadership continues to stand behind their endorsements of Trump.

George Frederick Thomson

Shared publicly  –  10:18 AM

…hanging on to Trump…! and Trump is tricking them still…!

…then they will get really “fucked up” worse than they are already…!

…Republicans with Trump, might not ever be again…! Because of all the dirt…!!!

…i think Trump is burying them all…!!!

WORLD Economy 2016: …if you change this, Trump junk, the workers to loose work is bigger than the few to get work in the USA, making a big slump in the World economy, going back in numbers a few decades!


WORLD Economy 2016: …if you change this, Trump junk, the workers to loose work is bigger than the few to get work in the USA, making a big slump in the World economy, going back in numbers a few decades!

File analysis 3 of USA Elections 2016 and the big mistake “TRUMP”…!

Encrypted easy in KOREAN!

요소 애정 요소 연안 회전 생각 옴 둥지 돌 아래에 돌 사과 두 제로 하나 육 예수 유명한 아래에 빨간 회전 시간 요소 빨간 사과 둥지 사과 애정 노랑 돌 생각 돌 점 별도의 하나 왼쪽 회전 지혜 옴 바나나 생각 경기 바나나 옴 사과 돌 회전 요소 빨간 돌 예수 아래에 돌 사과 사과 둥지 문 회전 빨간 아래에 회원 그림 혼수 회원 사과 죽이다 요소 회전 지혜 옴 점 사과 둥지 문 회전 지혜 옴 생각 돌 회전 시간 요소 회원 생각 돌 애정 요소 사과 문 생각 둥지 경기 유명한 사과 연안 회전 옴 빨간 감탄 별도의 두 왼쪽 회전 시간 요소 유명한 옴 애정 애정 옴 지혜 요소 빨간 돌 옴 유명한 회전 빨간 아래에 회원 그림 사과 빨간 요소 회전 빨간 생각 연안 죽이다 요소 문 생각 둥지 회전 옴 바나나 요소 애정 생각 요소 승리 생각 둥지 경기 회전 시간 요소 노랑 사과 빨간 요소 경기 그림 옴 생각 둥지 경기 회전 옴 경기 요소 회전 회원 옴 빨간 요소 지혜 생각 회전 시간 회전 빨간 아래에 회원 그림 점 별도의 세 왼쪽 회전 시간 요소 회원 요소 회전 시간 옴 문 옴 유명한 회전 빨간 아래에 회원 그림 연안 옴 둥지 회전 생각 둥지 아래에 요소 돌 지혜 생각 회전 시간 시간 생각 돌 요소 연안 옴 둥지 옴 회원 생각 연안 회전 요소 사과 회원 옴 유명한 연안 빨간 옴 둥지 생각 요소 돌 사과 둥지 문 유명한 애정 요소 요소 연안 요소 빨간 돌 점 생각 둥지 요소 승리 요소 빨간 노랑 바나나 옴 문 노랑 외부 돌 유명한 사과 연안 요소 돌 감탄 바나나 요소 회전 회전 요소 빨간 둥지 옴 지혜 회전 시간 사과 회전 사과 유명한 회전 요소 빨간 점 애정 생각 죽이다 요소 회전 시간 사과 회전 회전 시간 요소 노랑 지혜 생각 애정 애정 경기 요소 회전 아래에 돌 요소 문 회전 옴 생각 회전 돌 옴 회원 요소 시간 옴 지혜 감탄 별도의 사 왼쪽 회전 시간 옴 아래에 경기 시간 회전 시간 요소 회원 사과 생각 둥지 돌 회전 빨간 요소 사과 회원 경기 옴 승리 요소 빨간 둥지 회원 요소 둥지 회전 아래에 돌 사과 사과 둥지 문 빨간 아래에 둥지 둥지 요소 빨간 옴 유명한 회전 시간 요소 빨간 요소 그림 아래에 바나나 애정 생각 연안 요소 회원 그림 생각 빨간 요소 혼수 문 옴 둥지 옴 회전 지혜 사과 둥지 회전 회전 빨간 아래에 회원 그림

별도의 다섯 왼쪽 지혜 생각 애정 애정 회전 시간 요소 그림 요소 옴 그림 애정 요소 빨간 요소 사과 애정 생각 양모 요소 회전 시간 요소 요소 빨간 빨간 옴 빨간 옴 유명한 시간 사과 승리 생각 둥지 경기 회전 빨간 아래에 회원 그림 노동 조합

e=요소 l=애정 e=요소 c=연안 t=회전 i=생각 o=옴 n=둥지 s=돌 u=아래에 s=돌 a=사과 2=두 0=제로 1=하나 6=육 :=예수 f=유명한 u=아래에 r=빨간 t=회전 h=시간 e=요소 r=빨간 a=사과 n=둥지 a=사과 l=애정 y=노랑 s=돌 i=생각 s=돌 .=점 (=별도의 1=하나 )=왼쪽 t=회전 w=지혜 o=옴 b=바나나 i=생각 g=경기 b=바나나 o=옴 a=사과 s=돌 t=회전 e=요소 r=빨간 s=돌 :=예수 u=아래에 s=돌 a=사과 a=사과 n=둥지 d=문 t=회전 r=빨간 u=아래에 m=회원 p=그림 ,=혼수 m=회원 a=사과 k=죽이다 e=요소 t=회전 w=지혜 o=옴 .=점 a=사과 n=둥지 d=문 t=회전 w=지혜 o=옴 i=생각 s=돌 t=회전 h=시간 e=요소 m=회원 i=생각 s=돌 l=애정 e=요소 a=사과 d=문 i=생각 n=둥지 g=경기 f=유명한 a=사과 c=연안 t=회전 o=옴 r=빨간 !=감탄 (=별도의 2=두 )=왼쪽 t=회전 h=시간 e=요소 f=유명한 o=옴 l=애정 l=애정 o=옴 w=지혜 e=요소 r=빨간 s=돌 o=옴 f=유명한 t=회전 r=빨간 u=아래에 m=회원 p=그림 a=사과 r=빨간 e=요소 t=회전 r=빨간 i=생각 c=연안 k=죽이다 e=요소 d=문 i=생각 n=둥지 t=회전 o=옴 b=바나나 e=요소 l=애정 i=생각 e=요소 v=승리 i=생각 n=둥지 g=경기 t=회전 h=시간 e=요소 y=노랑 a=사과 r=빨간 e=요소 g=경기 p=그림 o=옴 i=생각 n=둥지 g=경기 t=회전 o=옴 g=경기 e=요소 t=회전 m=회원 o=옴 r=빨간 e=요소 w=지혜 i=생각 t=회전 h=시간 t=회전 r=빨간 u=아래에 m=회원 p=그림 .=점 (=별도의 3=세 )=왼쪽 t=회전 h=시간 e=요소 m=회원 e=요소 t=회전 h=시간 o=옴 d=문 o=옴 f=유명한 t=회전 r=빨간 u=아래에 m=회원 p=그림 c=연안 o=옴 n=둥지 t=회전 i=생각 n=둥지 u=아래에 e=요소 s=돌 w=지혜 i=생각 t=회전 h=시간 h=시간 i=생각 s=돌 e=요소 c=연안 o=옴 n=둥지 o=옴 m=회원 i=생각 c=연안 t=회전 e=요소 a=사과 m=회원 o=옴 f=유명한 c=연안 r=빨간 o=옴 n=둥지 i=생각 e=요소 s=돌 a=사과 n=둥지 d=문 f=유명한 l=애정 e=요소 e=요소 c=연안 e=요소 r=빨간 s=돌 .=점 i=생각 n=둥지 e=요소 v=승리 e=요소 r=빨간 y=노랑 b=바나나 o=옴 d=문 y=노랑 ‘=외부 s=돌 f=유명한 a=사과 c=연안 e=요소 s=돌 !=감탄 b=바나나 e=요소 t=회전 t=회전 e=요소 r=빨간 n=둥지 o=옴 w=지혜 t=회전 h=시간 a=사과 t=회전 a=사과 f=유명한 t=회전 e=요소 r=빨간 .=점 l=애정 i=생각 k=죽이다 e=요소 t=회전 h=시간 a=사과 t=회전 t=회전 h=시간 e=요소 y=노랑 w=지혜 i=생각 l=애정 l=애정 g=경기 e=요소 t=회전 u=아래에 s=돌 e=요소 d=문 t=회전 o=옴 i=생각 t=회전 s=돌 o=옴 m=회원 e=요소 h=시간 o=옴 w=지혜 !=감탄 (=별도의 4=사 )=왼쪽 t=회전 h=시간 o=옴 u=아래에 g=경기 h=시간 t=회전 h=시간 e=요소 m=회원 a=사과 i=생각 n=둥지 s=돌 t=회전 r=빨간 e=요소 a=사과 m=회원 g=경기 o=옴 v=승리 e=요소 r=빨간 n=둥지 m=회원 e=요소 n=둥지 t=회전 u=아래에 s=돌 a=사과 a=사과 n=둥지 d=문 r=빨간 u=아래에 n=둥지 n=둥지 e=요소 r=빨간 o=옴 f=유명한 t=회전 h=시간 e=요소 r=빨간 e=요소 p=그림 u=아래에 b=바나나 l=애정 i=생각 c=연안 e=요소 m=회원 p=그림 i=생각 r=빨간 e=요소 ,=혼수 d=문 o=옴 n=둥지 o=옴 t=회전 w=지혜 a=사과 n=둥지 t=회전 t=회전 r=빨간 u=아래에 m=회원 p=그림

(=별도의 5=다섯 )=왼쪽 w=지혜 i=생각 l=애정 l=애정 “=(None) t=회전 h=시간 e=요소 p=그림 e=요소 o=옴 p=그림 l=애정 e=요소 “=(None) r=빨간 e=요소 a=사과 l=애정 i=생각 z=양모 e=요소 t=회전 h=시간 e=요소 e=요소 r=빨간 r=빨간 o=옴 r=빨간 o=옴 f=유명한 h=시간 a=사과 v=승리 i=생각 n=둥지 g=경기 t=회전 r=빨간 u=아래에 m=회원 p=그림 ?=노동 조합


A= 사과 (APPLE)
B= 바나나 (BANANA)
C= 연안 (COAST)
D= 문 (DOOR)
F= 유명한 (FAMOUS)
G= 경기 (GAME)
H= 시간 (HOUR); 호텔 (HOTEL)
I= 생각 (IDEA)
J= 유태인 (JEW)
K= 죽이다 (KILL)
L= 애정 (LOVE)
M= 회원 (MEMBER)
N= 둥지 (NEST)
O= 옴 (OHM)
Q= 정족수 (QUORUM)
R= 빨간 (RED)
S= 돌 (STONE)
T= 회전 (TURN)
U= 아래에 (UNDER)
W= 지혜 (WISDOM)
Y= 노랑 (YELLOW)
Z= 양모 (WOOL)

0= 제로 (cero)
1= 하나 (one)
2= 두 (two)
3= 세 (three)
4= 사 (four)
5= 다섯 (five)
6= 육 (six)
7= 일곱 (seven)
8= 여덟 (eight)
9= 아홉 (nine)

!= 감탄 (exclamation)
@= 편물 (web)
#= 번호 (number)
$= 돈 (money)
%= 늙은 (old)
^= 더블 (double)
&= 또한 (also)
*= 다음 것 (next)
(= 별도의 (separate)
)= 왼쪽 (left)
-= 차이 (difference)
_= 선 (line)
= 벽 (wall)
+= 더 (more)
.= 점 (dot)
,= 혼수 (coma)
;= 곤충 (insect)
:= 예수 (jesus)
‘= 외부 (outside)
“= 용해 (melt)
?= 노동 조합 (union)
/= 회로 (circuit)
\= 역 (reverse)

File analysis 4 and possibly the last about Trump!

It is in GREP-HEX:


The download adobe .pdf file is available at:
